Skin condition that causes purple, red or blue discolouration in toes could be connected to coronavirus

A mysterious skin condition that causes purple, red or blue discolouration in toes could be connected to coronavirus.

Dermatologists have dubbed the mystery condition "Covid toes" after it began appearing in different parts of the country in Northwestern US.

Leading dermatologists are wondering if it could be connected to coronavirus, Dr Amy Paller, from Northwestern Medicine, claims she has seen images of around 30 cases.

NBC Chicago reports she said: “We don’t know for sure if it’s related to COVID-19, but when it’s so common right now during a pandemic and is occurring in otherwise asymptomatic or mildly affected patients, it seems too much of a coincidence not to be a manifestation of the virus for patients in their teens and 20s.

“I think it’s much more rampant than we even realise."

Although a portion of patients with the condition have tested negative for coronavirus, the doctor still suspects a connection.

In her statement, she adds: "Many have had some mild viral symptoms in the week before and it might be a sign during the 'convalescent' healing period when no longer contagious. We won't understand the association until we can test this more broadly."

The condition is similar to one known as "Pernio" – but "Covid toes" causes bright red and purple discolouration, it can even affect fingers, and become itchy and painful says Dr Paller.

Symptoms of Covid-19 are being discovered as researchers develop more knowledge.

Initially, a persistent cough and fever were known to be the main symptoms, but a loss of taste and smell diarrhoea and stomach pains have now been added to the list.

The virus has only been known for around four months, making it difficult to know much about it without slowly gathering more data.

Researchers are finding new things about the disease every day, and scientists in France believe they have now discovered a range of symptoms which affect the skin.

The symptoms include hives, painful red skin and a smilier condition to frostbite.

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