Covid-19 strikes 15 people dead in Lagos in one day

Lagos State posted its highest COVID-19 deaths in a single day on Monday, with the deadly virus striking 15 people dead in the State.

Of the 21 people killed by the virus in Nigeria on Monday, 15 of the fatality were reported in Lagos, according to figures released by the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control, NCDC.

This is far higher than the three deaths it reported on Sunday, taking its overall deaths from Coronavirus to 329.

The remaining six deaths were accounted for in three States and the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja.

Riivers and Kano States reported two deaths each. This takes total COVID-19 deaths in Rivers and Kano to 81 each.

Also, Edo and the FCT accounted for one deaths each. This takes the total deaths in Edo to 140 and FCT, 127.

Total confirmed COVID-19 deaths in Nigeria so far is put at 1,607.

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